What You Need To Know About HIV/AIDS


HIV/AIDS has been with us for some decades now with the medical world battling to get a cure or a vaccine. Meanwhile, there are a lot of misconceptions and myths which we should all be aware of… and that is the purpose of this article.

 This will also serve as a reminder of the basic facts about HIV/AIDS.

  • Prompt treatment can
    turn this deadly disease into a chronic disease. 
  • Timely anti-retroviral
    treatment (ART) can help at every stage of the disease, slowing, or even
    preventing, progression to the next stage.
  • HIV stands for the human
    immunodeficiency viru
    s, a mighty microbe that attacks the immune system. The
    immune system is your body’s defense against any infection.
  • HIV is spread through body
    fluids, such as blood and intimate contact. It is not spread through casual
    contact, such as being in the same room as someone who is infected, breathing
    the same air as someone who carries the virus, or by touching toilet seats or
  • You cannot get HIV from water fountains nor from exercise equipment
    at the gym. 
  • You cannot get HIV from hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with an
    HIV-positive person. 
  • It is not spread through mosquitos. 
  • The most common ways
    HIV spreads are through sex and used needles. 
  • You cannot tell who has HIV by
    looking at the person, especially since one out of seven people with the virus
    do not know they have it.
  • The virus can replicate
    rapidly once it has entered a new host. 
  • Symptoms similar to the flu – headache,
    body aches, fatigue, and nausea – may occur two to four weeks after the initial
    infection but many people have no symptoms for years.
  • The HIV virus destroys the
    immune system, depleting the body’s ability to fight infections. 
  • Infections
    rare in those with healthy immune systems can take advantage of the opportunity
    to attack someone with an immune deficiency, someone without strong defenses. 
  • These destructive “opportunistic” infections include rare fungal, bacterial or
    viral diseases in the lungs, brain, eyes, or stomach. 
  • With depleted immunity
    and opportunistic infections, the HIV infection progresses to AIDS,
    acquired immune deficiency syndrome. 
  • The dramatic weight loss and muscle
    wasting, chronic diarrhea, respiratory problems, blindness, and dementia that
    occurs with AIDS are the damage of opportunistic infections the body can no
    longer resist.
  • The sooner a person knows he
    or she is infected and starts treatment, the better his or her chances of
    keeping the infection off its destructive path.

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