Suicide is the act of purposefully ending one’s own life.

Suicide is the act of purposefully ending one’s own life.

Nigerians are known to be happy people even amidst severe economic hardship.

Millions of Nigerians love life and live it to the hilt. Today Nigerians are jumping to their deaths from poisonous substances, great heights or bridges etc. in order to end their lives and exit the world.

Experts have linked this increase to the current recession which has led to many Nigerians losing their jobs, in addition to the constant increase in the prices of goods and services. These events can lead to anxiety and depression.

Every month, at least 4 cases of people who want to commit suicide visit the hospital. About 3% Nigerians have had thoughts about ending their lives and 1% will carry out an attempt to kill themselves.

WHO statistics shows that approximately one million people die by suicide each year and for everyone who dies by it, about 20 more have attempted it.

Here are 10 facts about suicide;

  • Suicide usually occurs gradually, progressing from suicidal thoughts, to planning, to attempting suicide and finally dying by suicide.
  • Most suicidal people desperately want to live but they have lost all hope.
  • There is increasing evidence that individuals with family history of suicide are more vulnerable to becoming victims of suicide themselves. 
  • About 2/3 of people who commits suicide are depressed at the time of their death.
  • There is one suicide for every 25 attempted suicides.
  • Males’ makeup 76% of all suicide while women are more prone to having suicidal thoughts.
  • It is estimated that 25-30% of suicides are accompanied by a note.
  • Most suicidal people give definite warning signals of their suicidal intentions but others are often unaware of the significance of these warnings or unsure what to do about them.
  • On average, one person commits suicide every 16.2mins.
  • Experts believe that early exposure to child abuse may disrupt the proper development of communication pathway within the brain and consequently, abuse victims are more likely than their peers to commit suicide.


  • A suicidal person may not ask for help, but that doesn’t mean that help isn’t wanted.
  • Communicate and talk to at-risk individuals, keep them safe, be there by listening to them and refer them to the hospital, 

help them connect and stay connected.

About The Author
Nurse Tessy is a Registered Psychiatric Nurse who has passion for her job and loves to write.
She is a freelance writer for

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