Say No To Quackery

Say No To Quackery - Nurse Diary

From a nurse’s diary…

Dear patients, 
How do you feel today? 
Hope you are getting better? 
I wish you speedy recovery.. 


If you are being attended to by a quack, I am afraid your life might be at risk. 

Not everyone in whites are Nurses!!!! 

Be sure a licensed practitioner is taking care of you


Dear Relatives, 

It’s hard, yes I know… 
The pain of seeing a loved one on those beds!! 
God is your strength!! May the almighty grant them speedy recovery… 


I am afraid, they are not safe in the hands of Quacks!! 

Ensure a licensed practitioner is taking care of your person!!! 
Health is wealth

Dear Quacks, 

It’s getting hot, right? 
 And it will get worse!!!
I won’t have issues if you don’t parade yourself as a Nurse… 
You want to be a NURSE?? 
Go to school, or university, 
Not a hospital or church. 
Licensed Registered Nurses are not even enough!!
You will get qualified and join us in this campagin
Yoruba will say… #ojulopesi
It won’t be funny anymore…. 
Trust me!!!!! 

Dear parents and guardians,

You want your ward to be a Nurse?! 
Beautiful!!!! I love you already!
Let them do it the right way and few years ahead you will be proud of them. 
Let them take JAMB most preferably, put in for a Nursing degree in the university… 
5 years… 
They are proud nurses!!! 
No admission? 
Don’t give up just yet. 
There is the longer route! 
The Schools of Nursing… 
Several of them… 
3 years… 
They are proud Nurses?!!
Just that they will need to go back to the university and further their education!!! (Welcome to my club!!)
Train your wards or child to be professionals!! Not #Quacks!!! 

Dear Nurses!!!!! 

I feel your pain!!! 
It’s my pain
I know your wishes!!! They are my dreams….. 
It’s annoying right? I am more angry!!!!
But you know what!!!!
We can fight this!!!!!!! 
We can do this!!!! 
And we will get there!!!!
Together in this generation!!
One love guys!!!!!
It can only get better.
This campaign must not stop!!!

Join me, @Markleen, @Stan, And OTHERS WITH LIKE MINDS in this fight against #Quackery 

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