HIV/AIDS will become a thing of the past if Nigerians obey God – NACA boss, Idoko

As the Muslim faithful celebrate the Eid-el-Kabir all
over the world, the Director General, National Agency for the Control of
AIDS (NACA), Prof John Idoko, has said it is important to reflect on
the significance of the celebration and its lesson as it relates to
HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care.
According to him,
Qu’ran Chapter 37 highlights how, in a singular act of obedience to a
divine command, Prophet Ibrahim took Ismail his son, which was begotten
in his old age, to a location and prepared him for ritual of immolation
as a piety to God.
“As he blindfolded him and was ready to
slaughter, behold, a ministration came from the heavens. Allah conveyed
good tidings stopping the killing and revealed that a ram had been
approved by Him as a replacement for the sacrifice.

“God added that Ibrahim had passed the ultimate test of faith and would be amply rewarded.
National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), saddled with the
responsibility of coordinating the HIV/AIDS multi sectorial response in
Nigeria, will like to key into this festival, asking Nigerians to
reflect on the lessons of sacrificing one’s most precious thing in the
way of God’s command.
“If Nigerians obey the command of God, the
HIV epidemic in Nigeria will become a thing of the past, as pre-marital
sex, extra-marital affairs and casual sex among young people will not
be happening as we learn and become educated regarding the dangers of
contracting HIV/AIDS and other relates sexually transmitted infections
Prof Idoko said reflecting on the love of almighty
Allah, the level of HIV stigma is worrisome among those infected and

“The love Allah showed to Prophet Ibrahim
can be emulated by us. This will allow us show love and care to those
infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.
“If this is done, it will not
only help encourage more Nigerians to get tested and get treated but it
will also allow many more people to be open about their HIV status,
thereby making the disease less frightening and dreaded”.
Idoko noted that “as true servants of Allah, we are expected to protect
our neighbours as much as we protect ourselves.
“Doing this as
it relates to HIV/AIDS is to get tested for HIV virus, do all that is
necessary to remain negative if tested negative, commence treatment
therapy if tested positive, avoid mother-to-child transmission of HIV
virus by encouraging all pregnant mothers to attend antenatal clinics
and ensure they give birth in government-approved designated hospitals
or with trained birth attendants”.

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