Exposé: Nurses and Attitude

Warning Nurse in bad mood
It is said that nurses are lousy. They act shabbily, dress shabbily and have no courtesy.
It would not be surprising to find yourself harassed as a patient, patient relative or significant other.

  • The patient is in pains and needs our comfort and understanding at that moment not angry and rude comments to make them feel worse
  • It is not the patient(s) fault he or she is ill (even though some may be self-inflicted)
  • We are in the hospital to assist the patient
  • Remember why we are in the profession: Service to humanity or was it something else?
  • Do not transfer aggression onto patients – self control is paramount
  • We might be patients one day
  • The Golden Rule applies to all 
  • We are not “better” than the patient
  • People come to the hospital all stressed out physically and emotionally; a little warmth and friendliness may be the only medicine they need.

But this trend or culture is said to be  associated or found among the females.

At this point, I will like to educate the public that not all nurses are females. So, when I say that most nurses seem not have basic etiquette I mean both males and females.

I have had individuals talk about the bad experiences they have had while in hospitals; rude comments from nurses, how nurses snubbed or humiliated them.

The male counter-parts seem to have lesser or no difficulties interacting with clients. They are more friendly and more dedicated to their jobs than the females. 
You may be think i am being biased here because I am a male but not all nurses (females) are bad; there are some really great friendly, courteous and helpful ones.

A client once told me she had being greeted with with an angry look or a rude comment in most times when she was in the hospital. 

Do I say female nurses have bad attitudes to work and to patients?  Maybe  I will take this as a research question. But I bet I will have lots of resources to support my hypothesis!

What I will like to say is this:

Nursing is all about attitude

Conclusively, Nursing is about ATTITUDE but not negative attitude. 

I will want to stop here as it seems I may be about to write a 400-paged book!

For those of us saying it is not easy to deal with patients, try being a patient and see if you can handle some of “your own attitude” (as the recipient, of course).

Needless to say, nurses make the worst patients! True or false?

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Written by 
Michael Akaka (RN),  (Attitude ofNurses)  for Knightmode. © Copyright 2016. 
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